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Up Your Music Intake and Upgrade your Health with Something Obvious for a Change.

Writer's picture: Dave SorbaraDave Sorbara

Why do we seem to overcomplicate everything when it comes to accessing our best selves?

It’s time to think about music like sleep and hydration - an integral part of our daily health and wellness practice.

Studies have shown that just drinking more water will lead to weight loss. Getting outside for 20 minutes a day has untold benefits not to mention the emerging science made main stream by Clint Ober around just connecting your feet to the ground for 20 minutes a day- grounding. And don’t get me started about sleep. If you only do one thing in your life to support your health, get better sleep. It has a game changing effect on everything. Just working on optimizing your sleep or even just making it an important part of your health ritual will have huge impacts and science is proving that over and over. And for weight loss - just better your sleep and see the pounds shed, no dieting required.

To this list I want to add one more game changing thing (and cognitive reframe) to the list of dead simple things that has exponential effects on your health, mental state, physiology, creativity, motivation, inspiration, memory, relationships - the list goes on. That’s music.

Think about it like being hydrated or well slept. Something fundamental to being a whole healthy human. All old civilizations knew it and used it that way but like so many things, we need to get lost before we can be found

Whatever you do, just listen to more music for Pete’s sake. It’s time to reframe your relationship with music. Think about it like being hydrated or well slept. Something fundamental to being a whole healthy human. All old civilizations knew it and used it that way but like so many things, we need to get lost before we can be found.

Discovering musics potent ability for human thriving resulted in the penning of the best selling book Amplified by author and friend Frank Fitzpatrick. In Amplified, there is endless evidence and exercises that teach us to change the lens through which we look at music. It’s time to feed ourselves with melodic and vibrational nutrients. I guarantee that you have access to endless amounts of it. It’s much easier to find and exponentially less expensive than all those fancy bottled antioxidants or organic, grass fed proteins, nut milks, supergreens, ionized liquids, serums, ashwagandhas, mushroom elixirs - the list goes on. Marketing can have a potent effect on our wants. It’s time we started marketing music and sound in the same way.

It’s time to feed ourselves with melodic and vibrational nutrients.

I didn’t want to go down the rabbit hole of listing all the benefits of music. It’s actually almost endless and new science is emerging all the time. The Nationanl Endowment for the Arts created the Sound Health Network to amalgamate the research and resources for people to get consolidated access to. Leafing through just a sliver of the content there will surely shift your perspective. Grab a copy of Amplified or better yet listen to the pristenly recorded audio book narrated by one of the premiere audio book storytellers, Fred Sanders. Along with this I have one request! Next time you turn on some music, strum a guitar or attend a live show, do a little mental audit of how it makes you feel and how quickly it can shift you from one state to an elevated state of mind and body.

It’s time we started piggin' out on music.


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